Natural Selection Daylilies

Where the extrodinary is common

"Switched At Birth"

(2012 Faulkner) 5.5" 30 " - "Switched at Birth" was named from the fact that it looks like neither parent. I was working on an experiment crossing selfs to patterns and then back again to patterns to see how the patterning was passed along this way.
What I didn't expect to get were a variety of bi-tones of various colors. "Switched at Birth" turned out to be the best pick of the bunch, heavy substance, showing a light violet patterning in the eye; something I'd been trying to get crossing bi-colors but not having much luck.
Fertile both ways "Switched at Birth" has been throwing some magnificent bi-colors and even reverse bi-colors.
The 5" flower is distinct in the display bed as well.
Diploid -- Single fan -- $125