Natural Selection Daylilies

Where the extrodinary is common

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Introductions By Name     View by Year

A.J. Monnin Almira Buffalo Bone
Angel Gabriel
Angkor Wat Barb Kedler Behold the Lamb
Boiling The Frog Boo Moon Bug Splat
Charlie Harper's Bizarre Clowns Taste Funny Dancing to a Flute
Dragonfly in Flight Dr. Jeckyl Dr Jules Michael
Vinkman *
Egyptian Encryption Eric S. Simpson Faerie Storie Bashful
Faerie Storie Doc Faerie Storie Dopey Faerie Storie Grumpy
Faerie Storie Happy Faerie Storie Sleepy Faerie Storie Sneezy
Fat Freddies' Cat Feanorian Lamps Feng Zhu
Forty-two Dollar Date Goliath Birdeater Greetings Earthling
Ink & Pink Killer Clowns
From Outer Space
Leonardos' Perspective
of Color
Lizzie Borden Martians Wearing Makeup Memorial To Flight 93
Miss Piggy's Wedding Moon Over Parma Mr. Hyde
Mug Shot Nampeyo Nothin' But Net
Peppered Leopard Picasso's Paint Brush Pink Freud
Plum Bob Psychedlicious Ray Rayburg *
Rhapsody In Blue Room Full of Mirrors Sabers' Beads
Schroedinger's Cat Shirley Snyder * Show me your Etchings
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes Snow "Almost" White St. Louie Blues *
Sunburnned Zebra Switched at Birth Tanzania
The Color of Tigers The Dance of the Sugar
Plum Fairy
The Dish Ran Away With
The Spoon *
The Legend of
Sleepy Hollow
The Nutcracker The Seven Faces of Dr. Lao
The Trouble With
The Vicar of Vogue The Witches Poison Apple
Troglodyte * What Does The Fox Say What to Wear in